Source code for unitth.core

""" UnitTH python interface

:Author: Jonathan Karr <>
:Date: 2017-08-04
:Copyright: 2016, Karr Lab
:License: MIT

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
import subprocess

[docs]class UnitTH(object): """ UnitTH python interface """ @staticmethod
[docs] def run(xml_report_dir, xml_report_filter='TEST-', html_report_path='.', generate_exec_time_graphs=True, html_report_dir=''): """ Use UnitTH to generate a test history report Args: xml_report_dir (:obj:`str`): Parent directory of XML reports of individual builds to generate a history report of xml_report_filter (:obj:`str`, optional): Starts-with filter for individual reports with `xml_report_dir` that should be included in the history report. Set `xml_report_filter` to '' to include all files/subdirectories in the history report. html_report_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Directory of HTML reports of individual builds (relative to XML directories of individual builds) generate_exec_time_graphs (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether execution time graphs shall be generated html_report_dir (:obj:`str`, optional): directory to store generated HTML history report """ cmd = 'java ' \ + '{} '.format(xml_report_filter) \ + '{} '.format(html_report_path) \ + '-Dunitth.generate.exectimegraphs={} '.format('{}'.format(generate_exec_time_graphs).lower()) \ + '{} '.format(html_report_dir) \ + '-jar {} '.format(resource_filename('unitth', 'lib/unitth/unitth.jar')) \ + xml_report_dir subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)